I have become sort of regular in unconferences, specially in Pune. There are many reasons for attending such events, unconferences. There are many more reasons in participating in such events!

Few reasons-

1.  People - These camps are organized by people who share passion of entrepreneurship, are super geeks (hence super cool) people rather than typically big shots who are not approachable at all. So we are listened to in making decisions, changing few things around to make it better event. People who participate, attend such events are also very passionate, full of energy and life. Specially amount of young entrepreneurs attending/participating in such events is amazing! And yes probably only place to meet really cool, geeky girls for me, so :-D.

2. Content - Content of the barcamps is based on the people who attend it. So its really upto us to improve the quality of the content discussed. Overall I see great discussions happening on lot of issues related technology, entrepreneurship happening in these unconferences.

3. Open platform - You have something to say, you will be heard! You dont have to have big background to come and speak at unconferences. This gives everyone a chance to bounse off ideas, take opinion of fellow campers.

4. Networking - There are lot of networking events that happen all around India. Most of these events are having high entry barrier. Unconferences are typically free. But most importantly people attending these are full of energy, helping and understanding. These people come with passion of innovation and are more useful as a community to each other than the business suit wearing entrepreneurs who behave like businessmen most of the times.

So I am attending Barcamp Pune 5 . If you are there drop by to say hello!