Many times in entrepreneurship you have to say no to certain things. Be it in hiring process, in some project negotiation or while selecting a particular vendor. Also many times you are also someone who is being analyzed and rejected with out even a formal no.

Question is if you are an entrepreneur, would you like to read an email saying “Thanks for your interest, but we have decided to go with other provider” or would you prefer hitting reload on your Thunderbird and awaiting response from the client?

I would prefer having to read a rejection letter. Also not only that, but I would love to work with a client who knows how to say no. For example we fail to get a contract which we worked really hard to get. The client not only wrote a good email saying - “You are equally competent and in case things don’t work out with provider I have selected, you are definitely next in line. I am making this decision not on what you presented but more on my instinct as both of you look equally capable of providing said services.” Later on when the client was looking for partner for another project he wrote me and email and we did work for some time together on it with much more respect we had for each other than before.

If the client has remained quiet and has not conveyed selection of other provider, it would have made it difficult for me to work with with him in future. Yes, ego is there but more than ego pressure is the problem. Because of the splendid letter he had written previously, I was under no pressure while negotiating for next project and working on the project. It lead to a very good understanding in working relationship which is giving both us excellent benefits.

So what do you think should someone say no formally or just keep quiet?