Now after reading my last post, you know you need to evangelize your platform. How to do it? Well that’s a million dollar question isn’t it? Here is some free advice to mobile SMS platforms. If you are looking solutions for your own platform send me a gift that I would REALLY like and will post about it.

Government and organized institutions like Nationalize banks:

My father worked in Maharashtra irrigation department for 35 years. From 2006 he told me that District Collector communicates using SMSes! Reach to them. Go and talk to these people and make them see how they can use SMSGupshup like platform (SMSGupshup sucks, as its branded wrongly, so first build me too product with much better branding).

These large monolithic organizations require sending of memos (often one-liners) and receipt of memos. See if you can make them use it for the communication.

Emergency Services

First time in 20 years 5000+ Nasik people were left homeless due to floods.  Fire-fighters often need to  communicate with large audience. Emergency services, police, blood banks all need mechanism to communicate with community to get there support. Evangelize your platform for them, customize it and they will buy it.

Latency of content 

Internet is slow content delivery mechanism. When I say that, I mean a person has to be logged into Internet and be looking for stuff. Whats latency of your delivery platform? If its SMS, user is always online, content delivered in say 2-5 mins depending on bandwidth etc etc. So if you are using SMS for content delivery, think about who need fast information irrespective of where they are, traveling or in toilet! Few examples of such target audience for something like SMS content channel is Brokerage firms and there custoemrs, helath-care corporates and its staff, event managers. One quick example of all places you can use it is think out of the box. I attended Barcamp Mumbai 4 recently. It was a good experience. Problem was unconference nature of the event means sessions are rescheduled, venue for a session changed many times. I missed 3-4 sessions which I was really looking forward to. SMS to the rescue! Thats the power of thinking out of the box. 

Trade fairs and organized events

As I mentioned in the previous blog post about how you can create user base from farmers, traders easiest way is to use trade fairs for educating people. Don’t send your sales team to these events though, they are generally afraid of that. Send your product evangelizing team. What you don’t have product evangelizing team??? <very dirty look and thinking if you are from B-school> .

There are many more ways to do it, for the list of the rest develop good wordpress theme for this blog and help me maintain it :-) .