Web 2.0 is no more a new concept. Web 2.0 is here from last few years now, all users understand it. Web 2.0 technologies are mature, stable. There few more Web 2.0 technologies coming in but I do not think I can call them bleeding edge now. Buzz is already started around what could be Web 3.0. But I am not talking about technologies, concepts. No. If you are building a web 2.0 application in any space make sure you build it right.

When some concept is very new, there is not a lot of penetration in the market, you can get away with ugly applications. You can get away with mediocre implementation, pathetic presentation as user has not seen what can be done with these concepts, technologies yet. But once the market starts maturing you need to make sure either you are providing something which is completely not provided by any one else out there OR make sure your presentation, usability, implementation is par with the competition. You should not expect to get into a brown market with mediocre product and think that users will give you more chances to better your product.

Yesterday I got invite from an application developed by a entrepreneur I know from some time. I was hoping for a very kick ass implementation as the domain he has ventured into already see 20 different players. But sadly I could not even get through with Screen 1 of registration process. And believe it or not, they have been developing it since almost an year now! Plus have some angel funds available to them.

In my opinion if you are building a web 2.0 concept, in today’s markets your first impression is going to be your last one. Lot of socio-net applications came in India in 2006, all with really really awful user experience and now they are about to be shut down. So first impression matters, do not expect you will get time to incorporate user feedback etc.