Web is changing. It will keep on changing more rapidlly henceforth. Newton’s laws of motion doesnt just limited to physics. But in which direction? Media management is becoming easier and easier. Features like photo-tagging, video-tagging are now common place. Video advertisements etc are also taking up. But I, person who spends 16 hours in front of the new idiot box and mostly doing things like sending emails, chatting, twitting, setting up meetings, skype calls, monitoring development process and some technical work, want to see few features listed below.

1. Standards. Calendar, blogs are now common place. Every tom, dick and harry who has site on web has these features. Can we standardise them? Google/Yahoo/Microsoft are you listening? Why cant I stream all my previous blogs to this blog? Same goes for micro-blogging. Web is suppose to be information-sharing platform, share it. Not just on your site but let other site integrate with you and economics of such integration can be figured out (thats what MBAs are for right?)

2. Open integrations. If you have standards integration will be piece of cake! For example what I need today is something like this, I send a email seting up a meeting to some one I have not met before in a cafe. Then Thunderbird (which I use and recommend) should have some plugin which gives me ability to publish it on my calendar and calendar of the person I am meeting and other invites if any. Along with that using my plaxo or local address book, person should be SMSed about the meeting. If I want I should be able to clip map from google Map and embed it in the e-mail. Everything should get pushed pushed to my other devices (laptop/smart phones/etc etc). 

3. Smart integrations and rule specifications. I often forget to send follow up emails after a meeting. I know its a bad bad bad habit, but :-) . What I want is when  I send an email which is a meeting/conf call request or receive one and I accept that, then automatically my reminders should be set to send an follow up mail. And all this should happen through rules that I set using some cool visual tool and not python/perl.

4. Development tool integrations. A person check-ins a patch who reports to me, so I am suppose to review it and approve it before branches are merged. Cant I get automatic notification of check-in. Cant my to-do list be updated and reminders set.  Is there some one who can for once integration requirement analysis, use case point estimations, task management, bug management tools under on consitent GUI?

Note that all ideas are mine and if you work on any of those then you should send me this .

There are few more ideas which will follow soon.