As promised here is another startup idea I would like to see.

Net is far reaching medium, no doubt. In India still it has not reached the masses though, but that’s another story which will be focus on some another blog entry. One of new things that are propelling growth of the Internet further are collaborative technologies like wiki, blog, media sharing etc etc etc. Lets focus on blogs, one of the key resource for information sharing even breaking news these days. Lot of people are now blogging and lot more are reading them, commenting on them. New feature that I would like on blog-readers or feed readers is voice. I travel a lot to Pune/Mumbai/Banglore and other places for networking. Instead of listening to cool music I would definitely like to listen to blogs as reading in an Indian Volvo variant is not so much recommended for eyes. So something like a radio channel with visual UI. So my smartphone downloads all the blogs I am subscribed to and then reads them for me in “good” Indian accent english. If there is new post on a blog I am subscribe to then it tells me there is new post. I should be able to have all the controls over the reading like in a typical radio. Browing through them, pause, play, stop etc. Its not really feature for blogs but it is feature for blog-readers/feed readers. Some support from blogs is essentially though. For example if a blog has some pictures and refering them in the blog post then there should be some voice link king of thing which says when you start reading this line then show this pic on the device. If there is a slide-show which is being discussed then it should have voice links accordingly. I think this feature can be really cool and handy for people who want to read blogs but just dont get time in there busy life (I am not one of them yet :-) ). People who are constantly travelling and are looking to read blogs during travelling.