Been long long time since updated my blog. But as you know, I write only about things which really moves me to write and unfortunately I havent come across any thing in last few months that did the same. As an update - things are progressing well on my side and all is well. Very excited about the next weekends first company outing, hope to understand my team better in the process. Anyways, here are something I want to share my views on.

1. Often I come across various views on Indian startups and lot of BS about it. One thing in particular - Why cant Indian startups build global product companies? This one question is posted by many writers, advisors, mentors and VCs. What I ask is - why should we focus on building global products? Whats wrong in working on local products. Off course if we see an opportunity for global product like dimdim, slideshare, zoho we will work on that. But that does not mean if I am building product from local Indian enterprises or consumers then I am not competent. I just dont have opportunity in sight and hence focusing on something which is in sight irrespective of target market. So if you are a wanna-be-entrepreneur and some one says to you, why you are focused on India market - just ignore them. Its their job to sell you global dreams. They have vested interest for you to dream global.

2. Dream a billion dollar market - well thats good to have. But should I just let go of opportunities which are lets say 10-15 million dollar market? NO. HELL NO. If I can sustain a business with big enough profit margin then isnt that good enough. I think so. Most of the VCs and advisors will tell you otherwise. VCs because they dont need to invest in such business. Advisors typically will also think similar to what VCs think.

Only thing matters while taking decision to pursue an opportunity - do you feel passionate about solving the problem? And if successful can you do that most of your adult life? If yes, go ahead and just ignore this big, global, kick-ass etc BC.