There is good discussion going on around using Jute bags for shopping at Ideacamp Pune. There are various ways through which jute bag usage can be increased, there by reducing plastic carry bag usage and protecting the environment. Doing something just for social change may not be possible. Not specially in war on plastic, as its directly attached with businesses and that too un-organized business entities like small retailers.  But here is how I would do it -

  • I am assuming jute bag manufacturing is already heavily subsidized by government. If its not then coax GoI to do it.
  • Find out various ways to bring down cost of manufacturing of these bags.
  • Try to project manufacturing jute bags as Kutir Udiyog, for which government already has lot of subsidies defined.
  • Approach giant business houses in consumer goods like Hindustan Lever and have them advertise on these bags.
  • Pitch them this as a mechanism to deliver advertisements as well as brand positioning. Jute bag is something a person will carry while going shopping, so brands will be interested in getting on-board.
  • BSNL, Electricity boards give some concession of around 4-5 Rs if you pay your bills before a certain date. Instead of this try and see if they will be willing to buy these bags for less cost and give them away for free to customers who pay bills on time. By this distribution problem is solved.
  • I am trying to bring Cost of bags delivery + advertisements = Cost of manufacturing.
  • Talk to few political parties and see if they can provide their distribution channels for giving away free bags. Local corporators ie Nagarsevak sends out pamphlet for every other festival instead pitch it to them to give away these bags, which most probably will not see garbage bin straight away.
  • This everything can be done even for profit! Though profits will not be significant but good enough.
If you are doing something on War on Plastic and needs support then do drop me a line.