I have been to Proto this time around. Great people, good startups and over all a good event. Here is my thought on companies that were short listed for Proto this year. IndiaKhelo -   A nice concept overall. Not so bad execution either. But problem is they are trying to do too much too soon. That could be a major problem. Also I am not sure how many people will get interested in this. Difficult to create market around such concept. Lets hope they do succeed in creating that.  Taroby -   I dont get why I need another email tool. Thunderbird rocks and instead of creating an entire client, why these guys did not create just a plugin on top of thunderbird is beyond me. Not at all impressed by concept or the execution. Lords automotive -   Good technology and has definite first mover advantage. Trying to move into green solutions space is a good business proposal at this point. Though I am not sure about the segment they are targeting. If they keep focus on scooter segment, they might lose out to electric vehicles sooner or later. But overall a good effort. LifeMojo -   Interesting concept. Good execution and one of the startups that presented it very well. They seem to have figured out game plan and revenue models failr well. There is definite problem they are solving. Though I am not sure about the scale they can reach, but with more internet penetration their graphs should keep going upwards. This is sort of startup which founders will have to work on for years (7-10) to rip the benefits and rewards, which is very challenging. Hopefully they have that kind of perseverance to see through all bad times. iFlap -   No offence to founders or the team behind this startup, but I just dont see value of the technology they have developed. True, they might have developed a great solution, but to a non-existent problem in my humble opinion. New Algi -   It is good concept and great solution. I have no idea about their business field and hence wont comment much. Noddler -   By the presentation I thought company is using neural networks and speech synthesis/recognition but does not seem so from the demo. All it is doing is some level of customization of the tapes played at IVRs using variable replacements which is not at all impressive. Also from business side, I dont see how they will get people to sign up on their platform unless some incentive is offered. Overall a startup which I wont be watching closely in days to come. Fachak -    Again similar to iFlap, I just could not see the problem they are trying to solve! This statement is getting truer and truer for most of the “dot com” startups these days. Mashups is old story boys, bring on something new. Yoplr -    Interesting concept, okayish execution. Problem with such a service, which lets you plan your travel is, unless you attack the market ie travelers in inside out and outside in method, your chances of getting success is limited. Service clearly targets planned vacations like honeymoon, family outings etc. Could be more useful for their business model and revenue generation if they can get in forgein travelers coming to India and Indian travelers going abroad. Indian travelers, travelling with in India, I am not sure about the market size. But has clear exit opportunities with definite strategic partnership with large OTAs in the space. Chances of survival and success seems pretty good, but could be much better. ReminDo -   Again I am not at all sure about problem. Execution could have been much much better. As I have already said, Web 2.0 is already old. Pull up your socks and deliver great app in first go. No more chances for early mistakes, business is hard in this space folks.  Ooha -   Nice concept, though a little to forward looking. But its always good to solve a problem before your customers face it. In the long run this one can go big and I mean really big. But again entry barriers are not there and market penetration will take lot of time, so wait and watch it is. Ink Fruit -   Awesomeness! Concept is not something we never heard of. There are companies which do similar things in west and even in India. But execution is far far better than any other startups at proto. Definite value, simple and clear revenue model, top notch execution. If they can maintain a great speed to acquire market, they can go big in no time. Only question remains is why is the name Ink Fruit? All the best guys.   Do let me know your thoughts on these companies.