Suggestions for twitter in 2010
Now this blogpost is not related to topics I generally write about, but anyways.
So some of the things that I would like twitter to do in 2010.
1. Ownership of my twitter page and stream - I should be more in control of my twitter stream. Since lot of people use twitter for professional purposes like getting business, putting up a strong profile to engage with tweple. So I should be able to customize my profile page. And by that I mean not just ability to put up a background page. But a bit more like widgets where I can put up rss feed for my blog. Click-able links to my linkedin profile, company website.
2. More features on conversation - This may not be possible or easy to do from technical standpoint, but what I would really like is to save a multi-part twitter conversation for future reference. Some thing like a favorite button, not for individual tweet but for entire conversations. And ability to play it back.
3. Analytics - If twitter implements my feature request 1, then analytics for all the links I publish. From where people are visiting my profile or my tweets and where they are going from my profile. Analytics related to retweets. Also analytics for links I tweet.
4. Stability - Please twitter, use that 100 milion you got in funding to provide a much much much more stable platform. I know its tough and very challenging but hope you can do it!
5. Spam control - Better way to keep those spammers out. May be implement superior crowd sourced things like if 10 people block a id you review it or something of that sorts. We want a clean followers list and currently burden is on users to keep it clean.