Many times we keep hearing that Indian startup ecosystem is non-existent and there are not many early adopters. Well we cant really change everything immediately, but there are simple things that we can do to solve the problem at smaller scale.

When I was running company from Nasik, I used to get very limited opportunity to meet founders to exchange notes and share experiences. So when ever I traveled to Pune or Mumbai, I would invite few people I know for lunch/breakfast/dinner meetups. Just may be 5-6 people sharing secret sauce. Try out each others products, give feedback and may be help with connections/network and similar things. 

This is something I think every founder can do. Now we have a very active and awesome group of 25 odd founders in Mumbai+Pune which meet regularly, share feedback and help in any which way possible. Its almost like an open source ycombinator minus pg. 

This works especially for founders who are not very good at networking at larger conferences. By restricting number of people, it creates a more comfortable and cozy environment for real discussions and not just sales/marketing pitches to each other. 

Now we have a good group in Mumbai which meets often. I am also doing founders meetup every month in Pune along with breakfast meetups every other week. 

So if you are in similar position may be start doing such smaller meetups? 

PS - There is also one awesome demo club run by @prateekdayal and @mukund in Bangalore.