Week 11 Principles of Economics Microeconomics
Asymmetric information
When either the buyer or seller have far more information about product than other party.
Example - used cars.
- Sellers have far more information. This makes buyers skeptical.
- Due to this skepticism, without any other innovation, all cars may get priced at average.
- This reduces incentives for the best used cars to be sold. This lowers the average price further.
- In the end only worst deals will get made and marketplace for used cars collapses.
- In reality innovation like certified used cars, third party checks and so on reduce the information gap and the market continues to thrive.
Adverse selection - When offer contains negative information.
Examples of asymmetric information
- Health insurance - consumers know more about their health than sellers.
- Healthiest consumers may get priced out of market if insurance is priced at average cost.
- Innovations like health checkups and price discrimination helps in reducing information gap and creating a functioning market.
Moral Hazard
Principal agent problem - When one party has far too much information.
- A person leaves the house and then 2 mins later realizes he has forgotten to lock the door. If they already have home insurance should they return to lock or just ignore? Ignoring it will be a moral hazard.
- A car mechanic has too much information on which repairs are required compared to consumer and can use this to get higher price.
Solutions to principal agent problem
- User reviews
- User reviews which affect reputation of a seller will help ensure that seller trades in good faith and does not leverage asymmetric information.
- This solutions works for many markets like car mechanic, dental services, laundries and other businesses.
- Consumer reports
- Trade and consumer magazines often review and publish information which a consumer on their own does not have access to.
- This information, like car safety, helps bridge asymmetric information gap.
- Even credit rating agencies do the same job of reducing asymmetric information.
- Signalling
- A business may use signalling to overcome asymmetric information problem.
- 30 day return guarantee, free lifelong warranty and many others are examples of using signalling to convey information.
- For signalling to work, it has to be expensive.
Consumer choice
Consumers instinctively use marginal utility to make purchase decisions.
- Consumers have a preference for products at certain price point.
- Consumers are restricted by a finite budget.
- Within a given budget a consumer expresses the value she gets from a certain good at a given price by either purchasing or not purchasing the product.
- Within a budget consumers tend to maximize marginal utility across all purchase decisions.
Information is a public good.