Week 2 Influencing People
Influencing and persuasion with out formal authority.
Social proof
- Show examples of other doing similar to what you are proposing.
- Show others have succeeded in doing similar thing.
- Share testimonials.
Informal power > formal power.
Authority as an influence tactic
- Authority - We respond to mere signs and symbols of authority.
- Use of business attire or attire that is compliant with authority figure.
- Develop reputation for being an expert.
- Associate with higher powered people.
- Indicate your expert by using correct language such as jargon.
Cognitive biases
- Availability - we are influenced by readily available, vivid memory.
- Stories are more influencing than numbers.
- Framing Bias - We are risk averse to gain, but we are risk seeking towards loss.
- Anchoring - We are anchored to first price point.
- Likability
- Personal appearances matter.
- Draw on similarities.
- Engage in dialogue before asking people for favors.
- Scarcity
- We value things which are less available.
- Uniqueness, limited quantities, time constraints.
- Exclusive information.
- Reciprocity
- Offer resources, help, collaboration.
- Help, help, help. In anyway you can.
Sticky messages
- Simple messages.
- Unexpected.
- Concrete.
- Credible.
- Emotional.
- Stories.
- 180-195 wpm for maximum perceived knowledge.
Non verbal messaging
- High power - open body pose.
- Eye contact.
- Mirroring behaviors.
- Relaxed facial expression.
- Hand gestures, specially illustrative hand gestures.
- Firm handshake.
Engaging people after they had a meal is more successful.