Anomaly detection

  • Fraud detection in e-commerce
  • Manufacturing - help in quality assurance by finding anomalous components.
  • Monitoring computers in data centers

Anomaly Detection Algorithm

Choosing parameters
  • The algorithms works best if the feature has gaussian distribution.
  • It will still work if distribution is not gaussian.
  • Features can be transformed to so that their distribution looks more gaussian.
  • For example
    • Feature x can be transformed using log(x), or log(x + c), or sqrt(x) etc.
  • Do error analysis. If p(x) is similar for normal and anomalous examples, then need to find new features which can improve the algorithm.
  • Choose features which take on very small or very large values in the event of an anomaly.
Multivariate gaussian distribution
Original gaussian Multivariate gaussian
Manually create features to capture anomalies, based on given raw set of features. Automatically captures correlations between features
Computationally cheaper Expensive to compute, does not scale well with number of features, due to calculating matrix inverse.
Works even in small training set. Number of training examples has to be greater than number of features. Should be m > 10n

Recommender systems

  • Movie, book recommendations.
  • Shopping recommendations.
Content based recommender systems
  • Essentially a deviation of linear regression.
  • We find prediction parameters, θ, for each user in the system.
  • Use above parameters to predict which movies the user will like.
  • Requires availability of features based on content a movie such as degree of action, romance; which difficult to find in real world.
Collaborative filtering

Collaborative Filtering

Collaborative Filtering

Collaborative Filtering