Week 1: Learning How to Learn
- Caused because brain perceives it as pain.
- Need to turn it to pleasure.
Pomodoro technique
- Work intensely for 25 minutes with no distractions.
- Reward yourself after.
- Math is hard as the ideas are abstract and not present in physical world.
- Practice helps with making neural connections stronger.
- So practice everyday and for brief time. Give your brain to strengthen those connections.
- Long term memory - hard disc
- Can store large number of information
- to add things to your long term memory used spaced repetition
- Practice/repeat things over a number of days.
- Working memory - RAM, prefrontal cortex
- 7 items, or now we think it only holds 4 items
- Repetition is required to keep the items in memory
Role of Sleep
- Metabolic toxins produce when you are awake, cleaned up when you sleep.
- Sleep strengthens important neural pathways by traversing them during sleep.
- Removes less important pathways.
- Going over your study just before a nap helps in retaining the material
Interview of Terry Sejnowski
- Learning by doing and learning by osmosis.
- Keep interested in a lecture by asking a question.
- You learn by active engagement.
- Finds it easier to come up with new ideas while exercising.
- New discovery - hippocampus does produce new neurones in adulthood.
- Surrounding yourself with other people in enriched environment helps creating them.
- Exercise also helps in creating new neurones.
- Techniques for learning
- Talking to other people
- Explaining to other people
“Most important quality is being passionate and persistent and not letting go - Terry Sejnowski”
Interview with Benny, the language hacker
- Learn language because you like the culture and want to embrace it.
- You don’t need to speak fully formed sentences to begin with.
- Be ready to make lots of mistakes, that is how you learn.
- Whether you think you can, or you can not, you are right - Henry Ford
- Don’t make excuses.
- Persistence
- Tools for language learning
- memrise
- ankisrs
- His book and website - https://www.fluentin3months.com/
Interview with Dr Rober Bilder
- Openness to new experience drives creativity.
- Agreeableness has negative correlation to creativity.
- Zooming in and zooming out of a problem helps gain different perspective.
“Leadership is ability to disguise panic.”
Interview with Daphne Gary-Grant, writing coach
- Don’t write with your focused brain.
- Use mind mapping to actively engage diffused mode.
- Important to have a paper in landscape when doing mind mapping.
- Memorisation can sometimes be very useful.
- Don’t edit while writing.
- Don’t mix diffused mode activity with focused mode.
- writeordie.com - app for writing. Pomodoro for writing.
- Don’t worry if what you are writing in not great. Get it out on the paper. Fix it during editing.
- (My thought) Same can be used a lot while coding. Getting something working, then refactor.